BRK Arena XT is the trading platform that provides portfolio diversification through access on the Romanian Market.
3 reasons to choose the BRK Arena XT trading platform for Romanian Market:
- Direct access to the entire range of financial instruments traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange
- Instant sending orders
- Low fees and independent transaction decisions
Choose the type of access to the trading platform:
- Web version - Go to the Login button (top right) on our website and select "BRK Arena XT"
- Mobile version - the app can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store (find it as "BVB Trading"). After installation, enter "brk" in the "Server" field and use the access data (user and login password)
Consult our experts:
- The chat function from our website allows you to collaborate with our traders
- Find out the latest information from experienced Analysts and Brokers ([email protected] | (+4) 0364401709)
Amount of transactions
< 100.000 RON
0,6 %
100.001 - 500.000 RON
0,5 %
500.001 - 1.000.000 RON
0,4 %
> 1.000.000 RON
0,3 %