BRK Financial Group was established as a joint-stock company on October 26, 1994, being one of the largest brokerage companies in Romania. With extensive experience in the capital market, it is also the first and, to this day, the only financial investment services company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, premium category (symbol: BRK). BRK Financial Group S.A. is a MIFID II investment firm, authorized and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority.
The core activity of BRK Financial Group is structured into two business segments, namely the brokerage segment and the trading segment. In the trading segment, the company operates transactions on its own account, conducts market-making operations, and deals with structured products. On the brokerage segment, the company handles client transactions, including corporate operations.
Corporate Social Responsability
Coverage by financial analysts of the BRK share
- Summary report indicators - Analysis Department, Tradeville
- Summary report indicators - Analysis Department, IFB Finwest